What a way to finish up the 2023-2024 Scouting year and to start the 2024-2025 Scouting with the annual Troop Court of Honor. All the scouts and their families present to honor all the scouts with the Awards, Rank Advancement and Merit badges that they have earned.
This year’s Court of Honor was a little more special than in past years for two reasons.
The first was honoring our Troop for turning 75 years old on November 8, 2024.
The second was honoring Mr. Leabo for receiving the Council God and Country Award. It was the first time this award had been earned in the Heart of America Council.
I hope everyone had as nice a time as I did.
Our head table
Parents and Scouts enjoying the Court of Honor
Mr. Leabo received theĀ Council God and Country Award.
Our Scouts lining up to be honored