Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for August, 2024

August 29th, 2024

Canoeing H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation August 17, 2024

What a great event. I had never been canoeing before until today. Even carrying the canoes to the lake and back up to the trailer. I can not wait till the Troop does it again.

Canoes are a little heavy


Canoeing is a buddy activity

What a great way to cool off

We stopped and could some ice cream. Thanks Mr. Dudley.

August 28th, 2024


What a way to finish up the 2023-2024 Scouting year and to start the 2024-2025 Scouting with the annual Troop Court of Honor. All the scouts and their families present to honor all the scouts with the Awards, Rank Advancement and Merit badges that they have earned.

This year’s Court of Honor was a little more special than in past years for two reasons.

The first was honoring our Troop for turning 75 years old on November 8, 2024.

The second was honoring Mr. Leabo for receiving the Council God and Country Award. It was the first time this award had been earned in the Heart of America Council.


I hope everyone had as nice a time as I did.

Our head table

Parents and Scouts enjoying the Court of Honor


Mr. Leabo received the  Council God and Country Award.

Our Scouts lining up to be honored

August 27th, 2024

Council Duty to God Award

The Council Duty to God Award was created to recognize registered Scouters who have demonstrated an exemplary history of transformational leadership in supporting and promoting the spiritual foundation of Scouting at the local Council level. It acknowledges the unswerving dedication to faith, fellowship, and service of those whose character embodies the moral principles and shared ideals of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The award distinguishes Scouters who selflessly work to prepare youth for life by perpetuating the merit and legacy of a Scout’s duty to their Creator.


Gary Leabo is the first to be awarded the Council Duty to God Award in the Heart of America Council.


Congratulation  Gary

Troop 1282

Troop Court of Honor

August 11, 2024


August 26th, 2024


What a great summer camp the troop had. We left the church at 8:15 AM. Our next stop was at the Iconium Community Building where we sat in the shade of the trees and ate our lunch. It was a little warm. Then at 12:15 PM we loaded the bus and we moved to check in to Camp Lone Star Campsite Kickapoo, our home for the next 9 days of great fun. Once we got our camp boxes moved to our tents. We changed into our swimming trunks and then it was off to the swimming pool to take our swim test to see who are swimmers (blue band), who are beginners (white bands) and who are non-swimmers (red bands). After our swim test the troop had 14 swimmers, two beginners and 1 non-swimmer. Mr. Dudley told them they would be blue bands (swimmers) before the end of the session. Once back at camp we changed into street clothes and finished setting up our tents.  At 5:00 PM we had our storm shelter drill. Then at 5:40 PM it was time to send our troops five(5) KP (kitchen police) to set the tables for dinner and to take down the flag of our country. Then it was off to dinner. The meal was great. After dinner we got ready to go to the 1st night Campfire. After the campfire it was time for showers and

Off to bed. Day 1 is done.


Day 2 the scouts were up at 6:00 AM so excited to be at camp. At 7:00 AM reveille sounded and everyone yelled we can get up now. We surrounded the flagpole and began playing catch with a ball. This was great because it got everyone involved. At 7:15 AM the call for KP’s to go to the dinning hall to set the table for breakfast. After breakfast it was off to our morning merit badge classes from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. After morning classes it was time for troop swim and free time. Mr. Dudley would open the Troop Bank for us to make with draws to go to the trading post. At 11:40 it was time to send our five (5) KP’s to the Dinning Hall to set the table for lunch. After lunch is rest time and those who did not get a blue band were off to the pool. At 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM and 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM it’s time for afternoon merit badge classes. From 4:30 PM to 5:40 we have free time. At 5:40 PM we took down the American Flag and got ready for dinner. After dinner we had a campfire in our campsite where the patrols performed skits and songs. Noah Rider was award his Den Chief Coups and Josiah Rider was awarded his Eagle Coups. These coups are worn on their Micosay lanyard. Then it was time for showers and off to bed.


Day 3 – Ditto until after dinner. We had free time where we could play board games or mulky. This year the troop fixed clobber for every one. We had Cherry, Black forest and Apple. It tasted great and hit the spot.

Day 4 – Ditto until after dinner. It was Call NIGHT. This is the best campfire of the session as we get to see scouts start their trail to enter the inner circle to Micosay. Foxman, Brave and Warrior. After the campfire our 1st year scout got to stay after to ask questions about Call Night. The rest of the troop went back to camp and went to bed.


Day 5 – Ditto until after lunch where those scouts who didn’t have a Blue Swimmers band came back with Blue Bands. The Troop had all Blue Bands for the 1st time in 15 years.


Day 6 – We got up and went to church and got ready to see our parents. Its Visitors Sunday. That evening Mr. Howell and Stacy took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year scouts to iconium to the general store. Here we got $5.00 to spend on ice cream or candy.

Day 7 – Ditto, Except it took the scouts a little longer to get started in

The morning.




Day 8 – Ditto. Until after lunch when we went to the pool to watch the belly flop contest. This year we had Aquaman as are entry (Mr. Taylor). Mr.Tayor has taken over this responsibility from Mr. Dudley who had done this for over 20 years.

Aquman came in first. Congratulation Mr. Taylor


Day 9 – Ditto Until after Dinner where we had a campfire put on by the troops. After the campfire we came back to camp where the troop put on a cracker barrel for everyone . We had Peach Neil Floats and pop. Great time


Day 10 – Everyone was up at 6:00 AM finishing up packing their campboxes to come home. It was a great year at camp.

I am looking forward to coming back to camp in 2025