Well I have been getting ready for Scout Camp for quite a few years now. First as a young Scout, then as a Scout going on Camp Staff and finally as a Scout Leader. I am going to talk about the first year I was to get ready for camp. Because that first time of getting ready for Camp was a real learning curve. The reason is I thought I have got this made in the shade, because my mom will do it all for me I will not have to do anything. See my mom always did the laundry and put my clothes away in my dresser and closet. So i knew were all of my clothes were no questions asked. Knowing this I figured no sweat I have the best organizer and packer in the world that is going to pack my camp box, My Mom. Well I was right she was a good organizer and packer but she did not pack my camp box. She taught me how to. Now I had some of the basic stuff because I had been on a few overnights before I went to camp, but I needed to get few other items like soap, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and a few other items that are not normally taken on overnights. So a few days before camp mom has me stage and stack the items I was needing for camp. Mom told me to get the list and double check that i have everything on the list. If something is missing then we need to go get it. Once I had everything on the list she said now you can pack your camp box. I looked at her and said you pack better than I do. Mom told me if I do it for you, you are not going to learn how to do it or know where it is in your camp box if I do it. She reminded me to pack it like you similarly do for an overnight, also put your swim trunks and towel on top. So even today I remember what mom taught me about packing my camp box, use the list and check it off. And when I don’t use the list and check it off I forget something. Then I hear mom say “Use the list and check it off.”