By Mark Mangels
In the last couple of weeks, Troop 282 has had some Eagle Projects completed. Garth Hendren completed the new and improved horseshoe sand pits at George Owens, Matt Copeland upgraded and enlarged the courtyard area at Proctor Elementary School with new concrete pads and tables. Finally, this past weekend a new block sidewalk was constructed at Trinity Episcopal Church thanks to Garrett Morris’ Eagle Project.
As I watched these projects progress under the leadership of the Eagle Scout Candidate and the labor of scouts and adult volunteers I was curious about how many projects take place annually in the United States. When I earned my Eagle, we put in service hours. Eagle Projects now require much more. Leadership and Brain Power are required to accomplish these projects.
As for 2012, there were 57,976 Eagle Projects completed, and I’ll let you figure out the hours of service generated from those projects. Good Luck!