Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for February, 2012

February 13th, 2012

Scout Sunday 2012

I was so, Very proud of your troop this past Sunday.

Of the ten years of being a priest, I have never seen a better group of scouts and families. Trinity is so blessed with good young men. From the boys who did the readings to all who helped The food was wonderful, the adults that help with the troop are beyond words. Trinity church is blessed to have such a great group of men and boys.

Thank you all.

God Bless
Fr. Samuel A. Mason

(See more pictures from Scout Sunday in the 2012 Troop 282 Photo Collection.)

February 6th, 2012

Klondike Derby 2012

By Chris Toms

I can say it was very cold, but this was my first Klondike Derby and it was the best. Now I know, so next time you will see me in twice as many coats.

My favorite activity was…well all of them! That might have been the best time I’ve had with my patrol except camp. Probably the easiest activity was the bb-guns, and the hardest was getting a fire to start. It was hard because it would make a big flame then go out. But all in all it was very fun!

Klondike Derby

By Gabriel Englehart

This year, the Klondike Derby was more interesting, since it was held in Blue Springs. Our first event was the Rising Runners, but nobody supervised the event, wasting valuable time. Things were fine, though it was cold most of the time. The events were spread out fairly well, and the events were great fun!

The lack of snow made travel more difficult for our wooden, dead branch or other materialized sleds. One great feature was the traveling hot chocolate cart, driving to and from events with containers of hot cocoa for people who wanted some. The events were also well varied in objectives and goals, although some patrols did poorly on the compass course or other less popular events, because of unpreparedness.

Overall, the move to a new region was a bit shaky in some ways, but was a step in the right direction in many other ways.

(Go check out more pictures from the 2012 Klondike Derby in the 2012 Troop 282 Photo Collection.)