Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church

July 21st, 2011

Annual Softball Game

Scouts Vs Leaders

By Scott Howell

What a great evening for a softball game the sky was clear, there was no breeze, the sun was shining, it was very hot and the sweat was rounding down. The game started and the action was great. Rock Firer Norton was on the mound for the leaders and yes he had a rock firer delivery of a softball to home plate. The Scouts lined up for taking their first turn to bat and they stacked the front end of their line up with all the scouts who thought they were hitter which left the middle and end of their line up with those who the older boys thought were not hitters. But it turned out that the middle and end of the scouts battering order were the real hitters. Rock Firer Norton was a little worried when he saw his first five batters. But his worries were short lived when he saw what a great in field and out field he had backing him up. Rock Firer said to his first batter you are going down. The leaders are not losing this year we are taking the record back. The first ending moved along very fast, as did the second, third, forth, fifth, but the sixth ending with the scouts up drug out for a little longer as the scouts got eight (8) outs this ending. Yes, you heard me eight (8) outs it was tough on Rock Firer as the scouts did score many runs. Rock Firer was getting very worried. But that great outfield and infield came through for Rock Fire. The leaders had many many hits but Mrs. Mason had the best hit. She hit the ball so hard she knotted Jeremy Kraus (Speedy) to the ground as he made a great catch to put her out. Danny Mallinson actually got on base, but was unable to make the trip completely around the bases as he was thrown out at home. Ben Wyatt also made a catch that he may be remembering for a long time as he put out the scoutmaster. Ben how do you like that 1st Class Badge? Mr. Howell. Just kidding you made a great catch.

I would like to thank all the scout and leaders for a great game and a fun filled night of softball playing and following the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Oh yes I forgot to say who won. Leaders had 33 and the Scouts had 30. Once again the leaders have our winning streak back and it’s alive and well.

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