Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

April 30th, 2018

April Overnight


April 14th and 15th

What a weekend for a hike and overnight. It was cold and wet but we still had a blast. We started with a 5 mile hike on the Little Blue Trace Trail. Different scouting skills station were along the trail where the scouts got a chance to do the different skills. Station 1 was knots where the scouts learned the basic scouting knots. Station 2 was measuring the width of the trail without using a tape measure. Station 3 was measuring the height of the shelter house without using a tape measure but by using a scout stave. Station 4 was a compass course. Station 5 was 1st Aid. Station 6 was lashing where the scouts built a balloon launcher. Oh, we also ate lunch during the hike.

Then it was back on the bus to go back to Trinity. Once we got to Trinity, we split up into two groups. One group set up our shelter and the other group cut up the food for our dinner which were aluminum foil meals. Once the preparation was done everyone cooked their own meals in the blowing snow. We also got to sample Garlic Chicken & Potatoes foil dinners, Garlic Steak & Potatoes foil dinners, Chicken and Vegetable kabobs and Steak and Vegetable kabobs. We had a royal feast.

Sunday morning we cooked bacon and eggs in a paper sack, boiled eggs in a paper cup, cooked sausage in aluminum foil, cooked biscuits on a stick and on aluminum foil. Once again we had a breakfast for a king.

It was very cold for April but we made it.

This overnight was a blast. Can’t wait till the next one.

April 24th, 2018

Weekly Troop Meetings

Our weekly troop meetings are great. We start our meetings off at 7:00 PM with a pre-opening game that all the scouts can take part in. Then at 7:30 PM we start our meeting with a formal opening where we say the pledge of allegiance, Scout Law and Scout Oath. Then we move on to the scouts learning a scouting skill and then the individual scouts show how to do the scouting skill they learned. Once we are done with this, we move on to working on advancement (Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star, Life and Eagle). Then we move to a troop game. Once all this is done we go to Closing Circle before going home. All of this is planned and carried out by our Patrol Leaders Council.
Scouting is fun and we get to make new friends

April 23rd, 2018

New Scout

My name is Kelly and I am a single mom of an 11 year old son. Since joining Scouts 3 years ago I have watched my young son grow into a young man. I feel like I am no longer raising him alone. Our scout troop is our family. My son has developed skills that he will carry with him for a lifetime. Scouting was the best commitment we have ever made.

March 25th, 2018

Hike to Cedar Bluff

The troop walked 5 1/2 miles to Cedar Bluff and camped over night. The best part of the hike was Phil saying “One more hill” every time someone asked how much further. The M.R.E’s did not taste as good as they made it sound. We woke up on Sunday at 7am and hiked 5 1/2 miles to Sawmill.

March 18th, 2018

Hike to Cedar Bluff

What a great weekend the troop had hiking to Cedar Bluff at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. The weather was great for a backpacking trip. The Scouts and leaders really enjoyed sleeping on the ledge and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The challenges for the weekend were carrying everything you needed for the weekend in your backpack on your back and walking 10 miles roundtrip. The scouts and leaders that took part did an awesome job. Also, I believe they had an great time seeing areas of scout camp that a lot of scouts never get to see up close at scout camp.

September 18th, 2017

Scout Camp 2017

This was my first year at scout camp. It was fun. The most fun part was basketry and I can’t wait to go again.

August 21st, 2017

Becoming a new Foxman and Patrol Leader

I think becoming a Foxman and a Patrol Leader gives me a challendge and I love challendges. It gives me more responsiblity and shows other people what I can do being a Foxman and Patrol Leader. It gives me a chance to show people I am older than I look. It shows kids that if you put your mind to do something, then you can do it. I put my mind to it and if I can do it then you can too.

July 18th, 2017

Why a Boy Scout Uniform

The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. The Scouting program has three specific objectives, commonly referred to as the “Aims of Scouting.” They are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. To accomplish these aims, the BSA has designed eight methods in Boy Scouting. One of these methods is uniforming.  Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment.

Over the years, Scoutmasters have noticed that Scouts who truly try to live by the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives seem to be moved by the spirit to wear the Scout uniform. Why? What is so magical about a complete Class ‘A’ uniform including a BSA issued shirt, pants/shorts, socks and belt? Why would the BSA include uniforming as part of the eight methods of Boy Scouting? Let’s take a few minutes to investigate this method to see what it brings to the table.

The uniform supports the first Aim of Scouting, that of character development. The uniform is a symbol of the boy’s commitment to Scouting – his acceptance of the BSA’s ideals and willingness to live by them. The boy knows that when he is in that uniform he is expected to act in accordance to the values of the BSA and the values he has made an oath to live by. This purpose of uniforming is as much a part of the method as uniting him with his troop or patrol. Boy Scouts is an action program, and wearing the uniform is an action that shows each Scout’s commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting. You can relate the requirement to wear a uniform to your son playing sports.  Would you take your son to a baseball, football, soccer or basketball game without his complete team uniform? If no, then please treat the Class ‘A’ Boy Scout uniform with the same respect.

The Scout’s identification grows even greater when it is realized that the uniform gives the Scout an identity in a world brotherhood of youth and adults who believe in the same ideals. The uniform identifies youth and adult members of the Boy Scouts of America, visible as a force for good in the community. When properly and smartly worn, the uniform can build good unit spirit.

Scouts often do not have a complete understanding of Scouting or the commitment they have chosen to make. We need to communicate to them that that the uniform is a symbol of their commitment to Scouting, to the BSA, to their Council and to other Scouts and, not wearing the uniform is a sign to others that they may lack that commitment.

The uniform also makes the Scout troop visible as a force for good and creates a positive youth image in the community. People who are not Scouts recognize the Boy Scout uniform. To the community, the uniform represents a welcome image, a reminder that not all kids are bad.

Uniforming also supports the second Aim of Scouting, that of citizenship training. In that it contributes to patrol and troop spirit. Boys who wear the uniform have a sense of personal equality as the uniform represents a democratic idea of equality, bringing people of different backgrounds together in the Scouting tradition.. The uniform helps to build loyalty and gives the troop and patrol an identity with the program. However, that ‘uniformed Scout’ represents more to himself, to his fellow Scouts and to the public as a whole, than simply belonging to his patrol or his troop. Used broadly, citizenship means the boy’s relationship to others. He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives in, to the government that presides over that society. The BSA uniform unites the boy with this larger goal by uniting him with the organization whose aim is that goal: the BSA.

Uniforming also contributes to the third aim of personal and mental fitness. In Boy Scouting, the Scouts must satisfy certain requirements to achieve rank and responsibility within the program. These requirements often require the mastering of a physical or mental skill. When the requirements are satisfied an award or badge is earned. The uniform gives the Scout a reason to take pride in the way he looks and in the badges and awards that testify to his achievements as the uniform shows the wearer’s activity, responsibility, and achievement. The accomplishments of every youth and adult member can be recognized by the insignia worn on the uniform.

The leaders of Scouting—volunteer and professional—should promote the wearing of the correct, complete uniform on all suitable occasions.  You are the model to your boys and your example will reflect itself in them. When you are with the Scouts, even for the simplest of things, put on your uniform. It raises the moral tone of the boys and it heightens their estimation of their uniform when they see it is not beneath a grown man or woman to wear it. It also heightens their estimation of themselves when they find themselves taken seriously by men and women who also count it of importance to be in the same organization with them. As Scouters, we must constantly remind ourselves that it isn’t so much what we say to the Scouts that they will emulate, but what we do. The Scouts are told by other leaders, by their handbooks and by each other to look to us as role models. And they will, they will do what we do and wear what we wear.

The uniform is a constant reminder to all members of their commitment to the ideals and purpose of the Scouting movement. It is a way of making visible members’ commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and helping others at all times. It is important that each of us fully understands the importance of each of the eight methods of Boy Scouting. I hope that after reading this discussion on how uniforming directly contributes to the three aims of Scouting that you have a better understanding of the often neglected and misunderstood method of uniforming.

June 14th, 2017

Tribal Celebration

The Tribal Celebration was June 2 through June 4 this year. A few of us went down early and the rest came down later that Friday night to participate in the various activities that weekend. Well on Friday night we went to Late Night In Lone Bear. This is where they have various games and contests that Braves participate in to win prizes. Well we had one Brave who participated this year and that was Justin Lee. He was chosen to compete in the pickle eating contest. Now these are the BIG Dill Pickles to see how many they can eat in a certain time limit. Well Justin didn’t win but he still ate 3 Big Dill Pickles and received a Mic-O-Say T-shirt for trying. Afterwards we went to Cracker Barrel to eat a Peach Nehi Float. On Saturday there was a lot of activities going on. The boys played in the Chieftains Challenge which consists of games of skill, communication, knowledge and teamwork. Some of the other activities that the adults went to were Garage Sale, Silent Auction and the memorial service to name just a few. And the food was good especially the Barbeque. Then Saturday Night the Chieftain Ceremony this is where the new Presiding Chief is named for the next 12 months. So after the ceremony we headed back home. I think I can speak for everyone that went we all had a great time. Some of us just can’t wait to go back down when the whole Troop is going down for Summer Camp. But I guess we will so we all can have that Peach Nehi Float.


June 13th, 2017

Lone Star Scoutcraft

This summer I was tapped to serve as the Counselor down at the Lone Star Scoutcraft Lodge, and let me tell you, it’s a lot of fun already. I’m not even done with first session yet and I’m enjoying both working with my staff (all first year guys) and campers. They’re having a blast.
Now at Scoutcraft, we teach five merit badges in total. Camping, Wilderness Survival, First Aid, Geocaching, and Pioneering. We also have a program for scouts who have not yet achieved the rank of First Class, befittingly called Trail to First Class.
In our merit badges you’ll learn how to camp properly, how to survive in the wilderness (with and without gear,) how to build big and useful things with just some rope and long poles, and even how to potentially save someone’s life some day. And oh yeah, geocaching is fun too! We have nice new geocaches that really will be fun to find and hike around for.
Scoutcraft is a great place to learn your knots, learn Scouting skills, and have fun. I invite everyone to come down and see us for a badge or two this summer. I can already see that it’s gonna be a good one.
