Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

February 4th, 2024

2024 Klondike Derby January 20, 2024

What a great day the troop had at the Blue Elk District Klondike Derby. We actually had snow to pull our sleds on. The temperature was 0 degrees when we started but it reached a balmy 9 degrees when we finished up. The Troop is so proud of our scouts who came out to this very cold event. There were 15 events that each patrol had to complete for a score. The events were as follows: Sled Lift, Knots, First Aid, Splint/Stretcher, Lashings, Survival Shelter, Compass Course, Archery, Tomahawk Throw, Whiteout Walk, Panning for Gold, B-B Guns, Snowball Throw, Fire Building and Cooking. I would like to draw everyone’s attention to these events. Everyone of the events have to do with scouting skills. Scouting skills is what our scouts teach and use every Monday night at scout meetings during skills instruction and patrol competition. I would say that our scouts need a little more work on their scouting skills and working as a Patrol(team).

We will work on more Patrol Teamwork at our scout meetings and upcoming overnights.

As the Scoutmaster I must do a better job to get the scouting skills taught to our scouts. Just like a coach of a team I must do a better job in making sure our team can perform all of the scouting skills.

I would like to say I was very proud of the scouts that went to the Klondike Derby. It was cold, not one of them complained. Today was a true scouting event and a great day for a scouting event. Congratulations to our scouts.

October 30th, 2023

Our Scout Troop

Scout Troop 282 Boys and Girls is a great troop. The troops are led by our youth leadership. Our youth leadership (Patrol Leadership Council) meets once a month to plan our weekly troop meetings and to talk about future events for our troop. Our Troop meetings are fun. We have a Pre-Opening game starting at 6:30 PM. Then at 7:00 PM we have our Opening where we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Law and Scout Oath. At 7:05 PM we have Patrol Corners where our Patrol Leaders cover the patrol business. We have Skills Instruction at 7:15 PM. Here we learn a scouting skill (1st Aid, Knots, Lashing, Winter Camping, Backpacking, Cooking, Building Fires, Use of Hand Ax and Pocket Knifes etc). Then at 7:35 PM we have Inter-patrol Activity where we compete against the other patrols on what we learned in the Skills Instruction. I forgot to tell you our troop is one big team which is led by our Troops Sr. Patrol Leader the troops team leader but then we are broken down into teams of eight called patrols. Our Patrols are led by a Patrol Leader, the team captain. Each week we have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place awards awarded to the patrols. The patrols are recognized individually. After the competition we have Troop Advancement at 7:45 PM. Here we work on rank advancement for Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star, Life and Eagle. Our youth leadership teach the Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class Ranks. For Star, Life and Eagle Rank the scouts work on merit badges taught by our adult leadership. At 8:15 PM we have our closing where any rank advancement or merit badges earn that week are awarded to the scouts who earned them. Announcements are made and our Scoutmaster has a minute to talk to us. That’s our weekly. We also have monthly activities which could be an overnight, a trip to the Omaha Zoo, the Cosmosphere or a day activity.

We have a GREAT TROOP.


We are always looking for Young Ladies and Young Men who are in at least the 5th Grade to COME AND JOIN THE FUN BY JOINING OUR TROOP.

We meet on Monday Nights from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at TRINITY EPICOPAL CHURCH 409 N. LIBERTY INDEP MO 64050

October 18th, 2023

Scouting Heritage 

Our Scout Troop has been working on the Scouting Heritage Merit Badge at our scout meetings in September 2023.  It has been very interesting to see how the scouting program was created by Baden Powell in England and how William Boyce brought the scouting program to the United States by a scout doing a good  deed. We also learned that many of the games we play today were at the beginning.  This was very interesting to me. We also learned about the National Scout Museum located in New Mexico at the Philmont Scout Reservation.

The requirement I liked the most was when we had Andy Dubill as a guest at our scout meeting. Mr. Dubill brought a small portion of his scouting memorabilia collection. He had a really neat collection. He had several scout uniforms that he shared with us. He had a scout uniform that dated back to 1912 which he allowed Liam in our scout troop to wear. It was really cool. Looking at all Mr. Dubill’s scouting stuff has made me want to start my own collection. The other item that was interesting to me was that we still do many of the items to earn our ranks that the scouts did back in 1910.

September 27th, 2023

Scout Camp 2023

The night before boy scout camp I was so nervous because I was going to be gone for 10 days in the heat. The car ride was very boring but it was worth it because when we got there we had to wait an hour and a half but I had fun. When they let us in camp but I was still nervous when we got to camp and we took our camp boxes out of the trailer and moved them to our tents I knew that I was going to have fun.


I thought it would feel like 5 years but it felt like day 1 , 2 , 3 , 9 , 10 and then home.  It went by so fast and there was a visitor day on day 3 so my family got to come see how i was sleeping and living for the 10 days. They thought it was hot but I got used to it and we got to swim every day and it was so refreshing. Even though you would think I would love the air conditioning but no. It was so hot at camp. I hated the air conditioning once I got home because it was cold anywhere I went. I loved boy scout camp.


July 16th, 2023

2023 Girls Summer Camp June 23 to July 2, 2023

What a great summer camp the Girls of Troop 282 had at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. We left Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence Mo. on Friday June 23rd to make the 110 mile trip to Scout Camp. It was a great trip as all the girls were in one car where we talked all the way to camp. Once at camp our Camp Scoutmaster Mrs. Howell check us in to our campsite Fort Osage in PA. This was a different campsite for the troop as we had been staying in campsite Fort Long. Once we got our camp boxes in our tent we changed into our swimming suites and moved to the swimming pool for our swim test. The water felt great as it was a little warm. We then returned to our campsite and prepared our tents for our ten (10} day stay. Before we knew it it was time for taking down the flag of our country, KP call and dinner. After dinner we went to campfire where we sang camp songs and the camp staff put on skits. It was a great time. Then it was back to our campsite to get ready for showers. Off to the shower our troop went. I don’t think I have ever walked as much as I did this first day. Then it was time for bed.

On the 2nd day through the 10th day we were awakened at 6:30 AM and our day started with making our beds, brushing our teeth, putting up the flag of our Country, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and merit badges. We also had a campsite campfire  after dinner where the troop sang songs and put on skits. But the coolest thing was when the Micosay Runners entered our campsite and call Eliane’s name to start her trail to being a warrior. Then it was off to the showers and to bed.

On the 3rd day we once again started our day with putting up the flag. Then it was off to breakfast and Church. After Church we waited for our parents to come as it was Visitor’s Sunday. Parents camp and brought food and we had a troop picnic. Then we got to walk our parents around camp. Then at 4:00 PM our parents left and we got to relax till dinner. Dinner was brought to us by Mrs. Hendren. It was delicious.

On the 4th night we had what they call Call Night. This is where Scouts are called to become a Foxman, Brave or a Warrior. It was a great time. It was loud.

We had a few days at camp that were above 100 degrees. The word for these days was HOT!

The staff at the Shooting Ranges put on a night shoot for rifle and archery. This activity was a lot of fun. I am hoping that I am able to take rifle shooting and archery next year at camp.

On the 6th night  after dinner the leaders took us into a little city called Iconium where we could purchase ice cream or candy. It was a great evening when we did this.

On the 9th night we had a closing night campfire where the troops put on the entertainment. Before the Camp Scoutmasters or Camp Sr. Patrol Leaders could recognize we were moved to the Dining Hall because of rain coming. This made the evening a little exciting for all the campers.

Overall rating for camp for me it’s a great place and I can’t wait to come back in 2024.

June 18th, 2023

 2023 CELEBRATION  HRB SCOUT RESERVATION June, 9, 10 & 11, 2023

What a weekend it was, the troop had nineteen(19) troop members take part. Six(6) out of the nineteen(19) this was their first time to take part in this yearly event before camp starts each summer in June. It is always nice to go and see people you have not seen for a year or many years. It’s great to talk about old times and current events that are going on in scouting. It’s just great to have a relaxing weekend at camp and to see camp in a different way than when we go to camp.


At the celebration they have a contest to challenge the youth on scouting skills (rifle shooting, cowboy action, tomahawk throwing, knot tying, arts and crafts and fire building), teamwork and problem solving. This year our troop’s team took 2nd Place out of 15 teams. Our team was made up of Lincoln M., Noah R., Josiah R. and James R. These scouts deserve a Big How How from everyone in the troop they represented our troop very well. They are the second group to have such an honor. The last time it was done was in 2009. So 13 years later we are able to do it again. These four(4)scouts have already said they are going to take part in the celebration weekend and this time they are taking 1st Place at the 2024 Celebration.


Mr. Ray Blann was also recognized for his years of service to the troop and the scouting program by having his responsibilities at camp increased at camp in the Honor Camper Program. Mr. Blann is well deserving of this honor as he is a true Scout Leader, believes in the scouting program and lives by the Scout Oath and Law in his daily life. Congratulations Mr. Blann.


As the Scoutmaster of Troop 282 of the Blue Elk District I am challenging all those scouts and leaders who are eligible to take part in the great event to sign up and come along to the 2024 Celebration

May 23rd, 2023

May Overnight – May 21 & 22, 2023 – Patrol Camping, Cooking and Competition

What a great overnight we had this weekend. We had great weather. We set up patrol areas. We had five events for are patrol competition:  2-arm First Aid Carry relay, Bowsaw relay, Sharpening a Hand Ax, Nail Driving and we ended with a Compass Course. This was great fun. Mr. Howell told the patrols that if any patrol that got within 1 ft. to 3 ft. of the ending point they would get an award. Every patrol tried their hardest to make this happen. We got to cook our own patrol food once again in our patrol site. It was great. The patrols cooked Chicken In Dumplings, Coca-Cola, Barbecue Chicken and Sloppy Joes. We really eat well on and overnight. After dinner we had a Troop Campfire once again each patrol had to have a song and a skit. The MC for the campfire were Celestine and Josiah. They did a great job. We had a little trouble with the fire taking off a couple of the leaders worked on the fire. Our MC’s kept us entertained. It was great. After campfire the leaders had prepared cobblers for everyone. We had Apple, Cherry and Chocolate Cherry. They all tasted great. Then it was off to bed.

On Sunday we awoke with Mr. Howell went through camp telling everyone to get up and that it was a wonderful day in the neighborhood. I believe Mr. Howell must have loved Mr. Rogers Then it was off to the flag pole to raise the flag of the United States. Our Sr. Patrol Leader asked who won the compass course and what the reward was. We were all surprised that every patrol had met the requirement for the reward. Then the next news was even more shocking. Mr. Howell said he would be doing all four patrols dishes. Not only did he do the breakfast dishes he cleaned everything in all four patrols’ kitchens. Thanks Mr. Howell.

Well we  started our wood fires once again and cooked breakfast. Once again all the patrols cooked some great meals Mountain Main Breakfast and Breakfast Burritos. They all turned out great.

After Mr. Howell completed the dish washing. We had church as a troop. I always like the troops’ church service. The scouts do the opening prayer, songs, closing prayer and each month a different leader does the sermon. This month we talked about the Lord’s Prayer. Then it was back to the flag pole to lower the flag of the United States. We also learned how the patrols placed for the patrol competition. Which included the Patrol Events I mentioned earlier and how our patrol spirit was and how our patrol campsite was kept. There was a tie for 3rd Place between the Stunning Foxes and the Fearsome Flying Frogs. 2nd Place went to the Flaming Goats. 1st Place went to the Vikings. Great job Vikings. If only my patrol would have taken our patrol flag maybe we would have been  in 1st Place. Believe me I will never leave my patrol flag behind again.

Overall rating for this overnight was great and I can not wait to go on my troops next activity.


P.S. Those scouts that did not make this overnight you missed out on a great time.

May 15th, 2023

TROOP OVERNIGHT April 22 & 23, 2023

The 27 scouts felt amazing about this overnight. We used the patrol method on this overnight.

We had patrol competition in the afternoon where we had to use our scouting skills to start a fire, boil a can of water, to go on a compass course, bake a 2-layer cake and decorate.

Each cake was judged on looks and tasted. The Stunning Fox patrol won for taste, the Stunning Fox patrol won for taste and the Fearsome Flying Frog patrol won for looks. Our patrols cook their own meals for dinner  Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning. Saturday night we had a Troop campfire which was very good. Our MC was Emma. Each patrol had a skit and a song.

We are all looking forward to Mays  overnight.

May 3rd, 2023

April Overnight April 23 & 24, 2023

Well I made it on my first troop overnight where I was in a patrol where we set up our own tent, patrol fly, patrol kitchen, patrol equipment box and the best part was patrol cooking (dinner and breakfast). Yes, our patrol even got to cook our own food. It was great. The other item that was fun was the patrol competition where each patrol had to bake a two layer cake, decorate it, start a fire and bowl water, follow a compass course and use a compass to measure a width. We had a campfire where each patrol had to perform a skit and sing a song. It was great having everyone have so much fun. When the campfire was over the leaders had prepared cobblers for everyone to eat. Then it was time for bed. It was a little cold and I found that I needed to bring an extra blanket to put in my sleeping bag. But I did sleep pretty well.

Taking down our patrol stuff was not as much fun as it was to put up. I am still looking forward to the next troop overnight.

April 14th, 2023


What a great weekend for a hike. I really didn’t know what to expect as this was my first hiking trip to Cedar Bluff. I all started out great as it was all downhill, then I heard from the back of the line “If you go down you must go back up”. I really didn’t understand that saying till I got to the other side of the hollow then I saw and understood. We did this up and down hiking I think four or five times. The hike was tough but I felt it was a great scouting adventure and it was all worth it once we reached Cedar Bluff. I can not wait to do it again.