Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

August 8th, 2016

My First Year at Scout Camp

Before scout camp, I was not so sure I wanted to go. But everyone said it was fun. It was actually amazing and the best camp that I have been to! 

I did my best on the swimming test. I went on 12 hikes. My favorite hike was to Gambler’s Cave because we went in to the cave. I earned my Tenderfoot and three really fun merit badges. 

I did not want to leave camp but I also wanted to get home. All I know is that there will be next year!


August 4th, 2016

Boy Scout Camp 5th year

My fifth year down to scout camp was nerve racking because I knew that I might be called on call night to be a warrior. The fourth night I was called and eventually became warrior later that session. If I were to choose my favorite year at camp it would be the year I joined the tribe of Mic-O-Say because you are then able to go anywhere on the reservation as for if I was a first year or just a non- tribesmen I could only go were tribal grounds were not. Also my fifth year at camp I was the substitute ASPL, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, that was fun because I got to do a job I always wanted to do. My excitement for my sixth year at camp is already real big, 361 days left.


July 16th, 2016

2016 Softball Game!!!

Here I go. My first article for 282. A little background, I became a member of this troop WAYYYYYY back in 1978. Bob Morris was the Scoutmaster and Scott Howell Jr. was the Assistant Scoutmaster. I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1985. My Son Tristen transferred from our original Troop 3 months ago and that was the best thing we could have done for his Scouting Life. Watching the boys helping other scouts with baseball skills was admirable. Not every kid is an athlete but that’s what makes Scouting different. It was a relief from the Competitive BB life!! I witnessed adults and scouts helping boys at the plate and the bases. Another thing that is important to note was if a youth or adult made a mistake running the bases they were called Out. Unlike the theme that u can’t do that. Boys need to learn to play by the rules and not be passed along. If U haven’t figured it out YOU are a part of the Best Troop in KC!! That’s why my Son and I are here now!!


June 20th, 2016

Blue Elk Lodge

Have you ever looked intently at the pictures on our wall down in the scout room? If you have, you may have seen a picture of one Mr. Hammontree, our founding scoutmaster. Although many of you know our troop is in the Blue Elk district, and there’s an actual building at scout camp named after him, do you know much of anything else about him?
Mr. Hammontree not only founded Boy Scout Troop 282 in 1948, but he also held the position of Recording Medicine Man in the tribe of Mic-o-Say for a number of years back in the 1960s. While in that position, Mr. Hammontree, Medicine Man Blue Elk, built his reputation as a man boys could look up to, and strike up a conversation with at any time. As Dave Woodman will always say, Mr. Hammontree could be told your name once, and he would always remember it. A true friend, and a firm believer of the Boy Scouting program, Mr. Hammontree impacted the lives of many tribesmen, and non-tribesmen alike. After Mr. Hammontree’s passing in 1969, the Mic-o-Say records center was renamed in his honor, forever to be known as the Blue Elk Lodge. It is here that I have had the honor to take a position and work this summer on staff, to once again allow troop 282 to represent Mr. Hammontree’s legacy in the records center. It is also cool to know that Dave Woodman, Medicine Man Painted Elk, changed his tribal name to its current status because of his respect for J.D.
To represent troop 282 in Mr. Hammontree’s lodge is a big honor. It is a hard staff to get onto, and being asked to move into this position was a blessing. While in Blue Elk, I am constantly reminded of Mr. Hammontree by his picture on the wall, just as the one hanging in the scout room. It inspires me every day to do my job to the best of my ability so that maybe one day, I can say I had an impact somewhat close to that of our founding scoutmaster. I encourage each and every member of our troop to ask, and learn the history of our troop. Learning about Mr. Hammontree has been one of the most interesting aspects of working in Blue Elk, as I get to know more and more about the man we can only hear about at inductions. Also while working in his lodge, I have begun to truly see his impact at scout camp, and how much he truly meant to the Boy Scouting program in our area. Just as the Lone Star staff says, be proud of our past in troop 282. No other troop can say that they have a lodge at scout camp named after their founding scoutmaster. I would also like to encourage each and every member of troop 282 to come down on staff at least one summer. Maybe some day that will lead you to Blue Elk as well, such as my path has. It is impossible to put into words how much my love and respect for our scout troop and the program we run has grown by working on this staff. I am doing my best, and working my hardest to represent you, my fellow troop members, and myself as best as I can. I want people to know that 282 is a big deal, and we will continue to be a big deal for generations to come. People only have the highest of compliments for our troop, as they should. Can’t wait for you guys to come down to camp
Ashton England
Runner Black Diving Falcon

June 20th, 2016

Tribal Celebration

The Mic-o-Say Tribal Celebration is a great time for old friends, or even new ones, to come together at a place that is very near and dear to our hearts, the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. While at the celebration, all tribesman get an opportunity to further their knowledge of the tribe, or participate in the Chieftain’s Challenge. While at the celebration, troop 282 showcased our group of tribesman in the Chieftain’s challenge. Although we did not place, we had a great deal of fun, and worked alongside a few boys from another troop. Personally, I think we worked well as a team, and 282 should be proud to have these young men in our troop as part of our leadership core. Another exciting part of the celebration is the revealing of our new chieftain, which this year was Jim Hayes, our first chieftain to hold all positions in Mic-o-Say. I encourage our newest tribesman to keep coming back to camp, and to attend tribal celebration because you get to learn the true meaning of Mic-o-Say and you will have a greater impact in our troop if you do. As always, remember to think before you do anything, and keep the true spirit of Mic-o-Say alive in our troop for generations to come.


June 17th, 2016


On June 7, Scouts from our Troop served as Color Guard for the National Historic Trails Association. They served as Color Guard in the morning for the start of their meetings. Then again at 3pm for the dedication ceremony on the Independence Square. The ceremony has to do with artwork on a stone signifying the origin of the Oregon, California and Santa Fe Trails that originated in Independence Missouri. After the ceremony pictures were being taken by the dedicated trails marker. Then a young lady wanted a picture of the scouts on the courthouse steps, while their picture was being taken Frank White the Jackson County Executive came over and thanked them. We asked if he would take a picture with them he said sure. The Mayor of Sugar Creek, Matt Mallinson came over and thanked the scouts for doing a great job. We were also thanked and praised by spectators for doing a great job of being Color Guard. Being a Color Guard is a great honor. Our Scout Troop is asked because our Scouts know the proper etiquette and respect when they are the Color Guard. I am proud of the Scouts that represented Troop 282 as the Color Guard.


May 24th, 2016

Scout Day at the K

This past Scout Day at the K will be the most memorable for me. It was a great game for the Royals, there was good weather, and I got to experience a little extra in the outfield since I am now an Eagle Scout. Walking around in the outfield and seeing the hall of fame, and getting to see four Eagle Scouts recognized for their achievements made me realize that I have much more that I can go on to do in life. I also got to see two of my good friends from camp staff pitch the honorary first pitch, and catch it. It was pretty cool to see. And as always, Scout Day at the K is made better with a Royals win. This year was a good year for the scouts, and I can’t wait to go next year.

February 1st, 2016

My Time as Senior Patrol Leader

I served this scout troop as Senior Patrol Leader from 2015-2016. I learned the ropes from Dillon England, since I was his assistant when he was Senior Patrol Leader. He set the stage for me and introduced me to what it was like really being a leader. After all, the Senior Patrol Leader has to lead all of the boys in the scout troop, with the help of the leaders, and the Scoutmaster, of course. So with the help of Dillon, the leaders, and the Scoutmaster, I feel that my time as Senior Patrol Leader made a positive impact on the troop. I feel that I presented this troop with new experiences and new opportunities, and hopefully, new memories that will be looked back upon with happiness. But I couldn’t have done it without all of the help that was given to me.

January 19th, 2016

The First Recipient of the Bobby Morris Scholarship


Timothy Phillips is the first scout to be awarded the Bobby Morris Scholarship by Troop 282. This

scholarship is award to a member of Boy Scout Troop 282 who has been active for the past 12 months, is

an Eagle Scout and is preparing to enroll in a college or university full-time. The recipient must

participate in weekly troop meeting, monthly troop activities and be showing leadership with an overall

participation of 61% or greater. The recipient must also attend summer camp with the scout troop the

prior summer.

Tim is a young adult who has lived up to the above requirements and is very deserving of the Bobby

Morris Scholarship. Tim started his scouting career as a Cub Scout graduating with the highest award in

Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light and then earning the highest rank in Boy Scouting, the Eagle Rank and

then earning three Eagle Palms – Bronze, Gold and Silver. Tim attended scout camp every year with the

troop and he also took part in a troop High Adventure Trip to Ely, Minnesota, going canoeing on the

boundary waters for 5 days.

Tim is attending the University of Missouri Kansas City.

The Bobby Morris Scholarship was developed to honor the second Scoutmaster of Troop 282 as Mr.

Morris believed that every scout needed to do his best to obtain a formal education after high school.

If other Eagle Scouts in Troop 282 meet the above requirements and are interested in submitting an

application for the Bobby Morris Scholarship please see Gary Leabo.

January 3rd, 2016

Bartle Scout Camp 2016…………….Just Around the Corner

Troop 282 will be camping at Camp Lone Star 5th session July 17-26 in 2016. That being said, time will tick by very quickly. Follow the Scout Motto “Be Prepared”, and be sure to contribute weekly or at least regularly to your scout camp fund. Your popcorn sales do go toward your camp fund, and so will pancake ticket sales. $2 from each ticket sale goes to your camp fund. Starting in January, look for the beginning of many reminders about scout camp including your annual physical, merit badge sign up, and much more. Join me as we countdown to Boy Scout Camp at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. 

Best in Scouting, 
Mark Mangels, Camp Scoutmaster 2016
