Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


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June 12th, 2017

Reasons Why We Should All Love Scouts

First, Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
Second, Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, is an Eagle Scout. When he said, “The Eagle has landed,” he wasn’t kidding. In 1969, Armstrong became the first Eagle Scout to be portrayed on a U.S. postage stamp— called “The Man on the Moon.”
During a three-month drive in the spring of 1942, Scouts collected 318,000 tons of paper for the war effort.
In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt requested the Boy Scouts’ service in collecting 1.8 million items of clothing, household furnishings, foodstuffs, and supplies for victims of the Great Depression.
Next, In 1929, an African American Boy Scout from Fort Worth, Texas, found and returned a woman’s pocketbook that contained more than $300 in cash. The boy declined her liberal reward, saying, “No, madam. I am a Boy Scout and cannot take a tip for doing my duty.
“A mass shooting erupted in a Houston, Texas neighborhood on Sunday, leaving one man killed and six others injured. Unaware of the terror and gunfire that had just been unleashed moments before, 17-year-old Boy Scout Nicholas L., rushed to the aid of a man he found crying in pain and bleeding in the street of his neighborhood. It wasn’t until he asked the victim what happened that he discovered the man had been shot – and the shooter was still at large. Nicholas wasted no time before he sprang into action, employing the techniques he learned in Scouting to help the gunshot victim before an ambulance arrived. “That’s when I realized there were actually two wounds, one where the bullet entered his thigh, and one where it exited,” Nicholas explained.The Scout asked bystanders to call 9-1-1 and then requested that the victim remove his suit vest. Using the vest, the Scout quickly crafted a tourniquet to tie off the wound and prevent further blood loss. The Scout understood the importance of keeping calm under pressure so he spoke to the victim the entire time, ensuring he was at ease while tending to his wounds. Nicholas’ high school history teacher happened to be nearby and assisted the Scout. The police arrived shortly thereafter and secured the perimeter. First responders then loaded up the victim in the ambulance and overtook treatment.

“In 1929, an African American Boy Scout from Fort Worth, Texas, found and returned a woman’s pocketbook that contained more than $300 in cash. The boy declined her liberal reward, saying, “No, madam. I am a Boy Scout and cannot take a tip for doing my duty.’”
“Sammy was on a camping trip at McKinney Falls State Park with his mom, Kelly, his dad, Stacey, and his brothers, Ben, eight, and Willy, two. Around 11 a.m., Sammy’s mother and little brother Ben dropped the family kayak into Onion Creek and paddled off. Sammy and Willy accompanied their dad to Upper Falls. With his father watching from the rocks above, Sammy jumped in. Sammy played in the water for a while, eventually pulling himself out of the swimming hole and onto a warm boulder and watching a group of children tramp through the creek bed above. As the kids passed Stacey and Willy, a tiny five-year-old girl reached down to grab a water bottle and lost her balance. In an instant, she was swept over the falls. Sammy caught a glimpse of the girl’s arm and the top of her dark head as the roiling currents pushed her into the hollow beneath the rock ledge, hiding her from the crowd above. she struggled in the deep water. His father walked toward the edge of the waterfall to try to locate the girl, but Sammy was the one in striking distance. Sammy was nervous but he understood what he had to do. He dived in, cutting through the churn of the waterfall. In a few seconds, he was next to the struggling girl. Panicking, she tried to climb on top of him. Sammy was Treading water an arm’s length away from the girl, he asked her if she could swim. When she said no, Sammy carefully pulled her onto his back and followed the rock wall’s slick contours around the edge of the waterfall toward the shore.Soon, someone threw a swim float from the bank and pulled both kids from the water. Sammy had saved a little girl’s life.”
Finally, “Scouts collected more than 1 million tons of litter on Scouting Keep America Beautiful Day in 1971.”

“Of 122 merit badges, the one earned most by Scouts across the country is First Aid; more than 84,419 Scouts earned the badge in 2008. “
“The BSA is eco-friendly! In addition to publishing the first “green” Boy Scout Handbook in 2009, BSA magazines Boys’ Life and Scouting have been certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative.
In conclusion these are the reasons that we should love scouts.



March 15th, 2017

Surprise Birthday Party Troop Overnight March 11 & 12, 2017

The March overnight was extra special because we had a surprise birthday party for Mr. Leabo. Mr. Leabo recognizes how important it is to participate in all the troop activities regardless if it falls on your birthday so he packed his gear and spent the weekend camping. He celebrated with his family after returning home on Sunday
But that is not all that was exciting about this month’s overnight as the Troop went up north to Wallace State Park where we have not been in a very long time. The Campsite was great and we slept under the troop’s awnings covered with plastic. The leaders and boys prepared the meals as a group. The menu for the overnight was spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner and scrambled eggs, sausage and hash browns for breakfast. The scouts cooked both meals and they were both great. Even though we didn’t get a white coup as we were hoping for this overnight, it was one of the best as everyone worked together during set up and take down making the work go smoothly and quickly.

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March 14th, 2017



This award was not just earned by me, but by all the scouts and leaders that I have been involved with over my 34 years as a scoutmaster. I especially would like to thank the scouts of Troop 282, as they are the true backbone of a scout troop, not the scoutmaster. As the Scoutmaster, I have watched as numerous boys grow and mature into effective leaders and excellent citizens as they move their way from the Scout Rank to earning the Eagle Rank. 
I have been involved with scouting since I was 8 years old. My scouting career has taught me many skills, introduced me to new ideas, allowed me to cross paths with many people and provided me with opportunities that otherwise would not have been available to me. Just like any other job, I worked my way through the leadership position, starting as a Cub Scout Denner, Den Chief, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Jr. Asst. Scoutmater, Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and to my current roles as a Scoutmaster and a Wolf Den Leader. 
I contribute my success as a Scoutmaster to all of the young men and leaders that I have encountered during my scouting career. Each of them has enhanced my life as well as my scouting skills. I have formed lifelong relationships with many fellow scouters. Watching each young man grow mentally, physically and morally into adults is what makes being a Scoutmaster so rewarding. 
I have also been very lucky because I had four great mentors who taught me about being a scoutmaster; JD Hammontree, Bobby Morris, Paul Arend and my father. All four of these men understood what it meant to be a Scoutmaster and/or Leader in the Boy Scouts. It was not about them, the awards they earned or the recognition they received. Instead, it was about the scouts they led, setting a good example for the scouts and to mentor them to become effective scouts and leaders. These four men understood that it was their responsibility to stand in the background, watch, listen and provide guidance when necessary. 
Both of my Scoutmasters, JD Hammontree and Bobby Morris, both taught me leadership skills that have allowed me to continue in their footsteps allowing the young men to function and lead our troop while the other leaders and I remain in the shadows providing guidance. 
One of my most memorable scouting moments occurred during my first time as the Blue Elk District Training Coordinator in 1987 or 88. At that time, I was only 28 or 29 years old and had only been a Scoutmaster for four or five years. All of the participants were gathering to begin the course, when Mr. Paul Arend walks in and sits down in the center of the front row. At this time, Mr. Arend was a tenured scoutmaster with 46 years of experience. As I am standing in the front of the participants waiting to start the course, I am thinking to myself, what I am going to say or what is this training course going to do to inspire Mr. Arend. I could not figure out why such a tenured Scoutmaster would take time out of his busy life to attend basic leaders training again. When I was finished with the opening remarks, we went around the room and asked each scouter what they were hoping to gain from this training course. Mr. Arend stands up and says, “A Badge to wear is a responsibility to bear”. He then said, “How else can you fulfill the responsibility of a Scoutmaster but to come to training and learn what your role is in the troop. There is always something to learn each time you take a training course.” Although having him present made me a bit nervous, it was refreshing to know that even he felt the need to retake training to enhance his scouting skills. Mr. Arend was a man who had compassion and inspiration. I try to follow his lead, keep an open mind and view opportunities as a learning experience. 
I hope that I can continue to grow as a scoutmaster, remain a positive role model and provide opportunities for boys that otherwise would not be available to them. 
I would like to thank my mother who allowed me to be a Cub Scout some time ago. 
I would thank my dear wife Stacy, my two Eagle Scout Son’s Scott and Adam for allowing me to spend that one hour a week and one weekend a month to be a scoutmaster. As my wife married into the scouting program, Stacy and I will be celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary in May and I have been a Scoutmaster for 34 years. 
Thank you for honoring me with the Paul Arend Outstanding Scoutmaster of the Year Award.

February 2nd, 2017

Bingham Waggoner January 25, 2017

The troop carried the Christmas trees and some decorations back to the basement of the Bingham Waggoner Estate, Wednesday, January 25, 2017. The job went quickly as the staff was well prepared for us. It was tricky to carry the trees down the basement stairs instead of opening the large door to the basement on the back porch. We worked as a team and was able to get the trees down the narrow stairs and back to the storage area.

February 1st, 2017

STRATACA Overnight January 28th and 29th

How many Troop 282 members can say they have slept 650 feet underground? Well I know of 23 members who can say they have as of January 29th when we came back to the surface. The Strataca overnight in Hutchinson Kansas was a great time. The scouts that went, earned the Mining Society Merit Badge and learned more about a salt mine than they could imagine. The mine was very interesting and our guides were very knowledgeable. I hope the troop chooses to do this trip again in a few years.

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January 31st, 2017

Christmas Decoration Back To the 3rd Floor

Yes Troop 282 once again got the Christmas decoration back to the 3rd floor for the Vail Mansion Society on January 21 as always it was a very fun and exciting project. The scouts and Webelos pulled and push those trees up the stair cases from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor and to the basement. Then came the plastic containers and all the loose items. The Scouts, Webelos, Leaders and Parents who showed up did a great job. Once the project was done everyone was given some punish and cookies in the kitchen. Mark your calendar for carry everything back down on October 31st at 4:30 PM
Great job everyone.


January 21st, 2017

Christmas Project

Bryson Cook and his mom Christina did a couple of Christmas Craft Projects.  A third generation family tradition is making Candy Cane Reindeer for family and friends every year.  Our first Community Service project was last year making Candy Cane Reindeer for Sugar Creek Elementary.  This year we continued the project making over 200 Candy Cane Reindeer for Sugar Creek Elementary.Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 8.03.05 AM

With Mr Howells approval, Troop 282 sponsored our next project for the Independence Police Department.  Over 300 Candy Cane Reindeer were made with a note saying “Thank you for your dedication and service. From Troop 282.”  Thursday, December 22nd the Candy Cane Reindeer were delivered to the Independence Police Department and they were  accepted with appreciation.  Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 8.02.57 AM

Bryson Cook and Jordan Allison put their cooking skills to the test with a baking project for the elderly at Monterey Rehabilitation and Health Care Center in Independence.  They baked chocolate cover raisin oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip cookies for the residence and staff. We received news that the cookies were enjoyed and they cannot wait for us to bake again.

Troop 282 has taught us the importance of serving our community. Bryson said he took pride in giving to others. He enjoyed baking cookies with Jordan and making Candy Cane Reindeer.  Jordan said he had fun learning how to bake cookies from start to finish. He wants to thank the Independence Police Department for their service.

Honoring our Troop, we plan on starting a tradition of making a Christmas Craft Project every year.Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 8.01.44 AM

Christina Cook-Grace

December 28th, 2016

Fairmount Food Pantry Christmas Food Boxes

Once again Boy Scout Troop 282 helped the Fairmount Food Pantry fill over 200 Christmas Food Boxes December 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM. And yes, once again, with the donations from fellow scouts, scouters and a major donation from one of our families, the troop was able to purchase 95 percent of the food that went into the boxes. As usual, it was a cold, rainy and freezing night for everyone to get out. The troop would like to thank those few scouts and leaders who came to help fill boxes. Your hour of time during this busy time of year will ensure that over 200 families will have a Christmas dinner. 

I cannot think of a better way to help other people ( part of the scout oath) than to make sure they have a meal for Christmas Day, a day of celebration and a day for families to become closer. Just think what type of day it would be without food to feed your family.


December 13th, 2016

WHAT A LOCK-IN Nov. 5th & 6th, 2016

Troop 282 had a very different lock-in Nov. 5th & 6th for the scouts to take part in this year. We met on Saturday evening at Trinity Episcopal Church at 7:00 PM where we jumped on our troop bus to go to our lock-in. Once we arrived, it was time to have fun for 8 hours. Garth, our leader in charge, had arranged to have three (3) inflatables: a bounce house, a great obstacle course and the bungee run for us to play on all night. Not only did we get to play all night, we also ate every hour on the hour and had a movie theater with scout appropriate movies. We also invited our 1st and 2nd year Webelos to come along for the fun as well. It was just a great time and I hope we get to do this activity again in 2017. Great job Garth and Dillon.

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November 14th, 2016

Fishing, Fishing, Fishing Smithville Lake October 21, 22 and 23, 2016

What a great weekend for a fishing overnight for Troop 282. The weather was great with a high on Saturday of 72 degrees. Everyone who brought a fishing pole enjoyed a great day of fishing. The scouts fished for six hours on Saturday. It was a good experience for everyone. The food that was prepared by the scouts was great. On Saturday morning there were scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns prepared by one group and biscuit, gravy and sausage prepared by another group. Then for dinner there was a deep dish pizza prepared by one group and there was roast, onions, peppers and potatoes prepared by another group. The roast cooked for 4 1/2 hours was tasted great. For dessert there were cobblers (Double Chocolate Cherry delight and Apple) and later in the evening we made s’mores. The Troop had a great campfire with several songs and skits put on by the scouts. 

It was a great weekend.
